Chef Handler SNS

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A simple Chef report handler that reports status of a Chef run through Amazon SNS, including IAM roles support.

Amazon SNS can send notifications by SMS, email, Amazon SQS queues or to any HTTP endpoint.

We recommend using the chef_handler_sns cookbook for easy installation.

This Chef Handler is heavily based on Joshua Timberman examples.



You can install this handler in two ways:

Method 1: in the Chef Config File

You can install the RubyGem and configure Chef to use it:

gem install chef-handler-sns

Then add to the configuration (/etc/chef/solo.rb for chef-solo or /etc/chef/client.rb for chef-client):

require "chef/handler/sns"

# Create the handler
sns_handler =

# Your Amazon AWS credentials
sns_handler.access_key "***AMAZON-KEY***"
sns_handler.secret_key "***AMAZON-SECRET***"

# Some Amazon SNS configurations
sns_handler.topic_arn "arn:aws:sns:***"
sns_handler.region "us-east-1" # optional

# Add your handler
exception_handlers << sns_handler

Method 2: in a Recipe with the chef_handler LWRP

Note: This method will not catch errors before the convergence phase. Use the previous method if you want to be able to report such errors.

Use the chef_handler LWRP, creating a recipe with the following:

# Handler configuration options
argument_array = [
  :access_key => "***AMAZON-KEY***",
  :secret_key => "***AMAZON-SECRET***",
  :topic_arn => "arn:aws:sns:***",

# Depends on the `xml` cookbook to install nokogiri
include_recipe "xml::ruby"

# Install the `chef-handler-sns` RubyGem during the compile phase
chef_gem "chef-handler-sns"

# Then activate the handler with the `chef_handler` LWRP
chef_handler "Chef::Handler::Sns" do
  source "#{Gem::Specification.find_by_name("chef-handler-sns").lib_dirs_glob}/chef/handler/sns"
  arguments argument_array
  supports :exception => true
  action :enable

Method 2.1: in a Recipe with the chef_handler LWRP Using Gem < 1.8.6

If you have an old version of gem package (< 1.8.6) without find_by_name or old chef-client (< 0.10.10) without chef_gem, you can try creating a recipe similar to the following:

# Handler configuration options
argument_array = [
  :access_key => "***AMAZON-KEY***",
  :secret_key => "***AMAZON-SECRET***",
  :topic_arn => "arn:aws:sns:***",

# Depends on the `xml` cookbook to install nokogiri
include_recipe "xml::ruby"

# Install the `chef-handler-sns` RubyGem during the compile phase
if defined?(Chef::Resource::ChefGem)
  chef_gem "chef-handler-sns"
  gem_package("chef-handler-sns") do
    action :nothing

# Get the installed `chef-handler-sns` gem path
sns_handler_path = Gem::Specification.respond_to?("find_by_name") ?
  Gem::Specification.find_by_name("chef-handler-sns").lib_dirs_glob :

# Then activate the handler with the `chef_handler` LWRP
chef_handler "Chef::Handler::Sns" do
  source "#{sns_handler_path}/chef/handler/sns"
  arguments argument_array
  supports :exception => true
  action :enable

Method 2.2: in a Recipe with the chef_handler LWRP Inside AWS OpsWorks

If you are inside AWS OpsWorks or running Chef inside Bundler, you might receive the following error:

Could not find 'chef-handler-sns' (>= 0) among XX total gem(s)

To fix this error, you should get the handler installation path using a code similar to the following:

# Handler configuration options
argument_array = [
  :access_key => "***AMAZON-KEY***",
  :secret_key => "***AMAZON-SECRET***",
  :topic_arn => "arn:aws:sns:***",

# Depends on the `xml` cookbook to install nokogiri
include_recipe "xml::ruby"

# Install the `chef-handler-sns` RubyGem during the compile phase
chef_gem "chef-handler-sns"

# Get the installed `chef-handler-sns` gem path from Bundler
sns_handler_path = nil
bundle_path = ::File.join(Bundler.bundle_path.to_s, "specifications")
Dir[::File.join(bundle_path, "*.gemspec")].each do |path|
  spec = Gem::Specification.load(path.untaint)
  if == "chef-handler-sns"
    sns_handler_path = spec.lib_dirs_glob
if sns_handler_path.nil?
  Chef::Application.fatal!("chef-handler-sns not found inside Bundler path: #{bundle_path}")

# Then activate the handler with the `chef_handler` LWRP
chef_handler "Chef::Handler::Sns" do
  source "#{Gem::Specification.find_by_name("chef-handler-sns").lib_dirs_glob}/chef/handler/sns"
  arguments argument_array
  supports :exception => true
  action :enable

See the chef_handler_sns cookbook provider code for a more complete working example.

Usage with Amazon IAM Roles

If you are using AWS IAM roles with your server, probably you only need to specify the topic_arn parameter. A few simple examples:

Method 1: in the Chef Config File

You can install the RubyGem and configure Chef to use it:

gem install chef-handler-sns

Then add to the configuration (/etc/chef/solo.rb for chef-solo or /etc/chef/client.rb for chef-client):

require "chef/handler/sns"

exception_handlers <<{
  :topic_arn => "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:12341234:MyTopicName"

Method 2: in a Recipe with the chef_handler LWRP

Use the chef_handler LWRP, creating a recipe with the following:

# Depends on the `xml` cookbook to install nokogiri
include_recipe "xml::ruby"

# Install the `chef-handler-sns` RubyGem during the compile phase
chef_gem "chef-handler-sns"

# Then activate the handler with the `chef_handler` LWRP
chef_handler "Chef::Handler::Sns" do
  source "#{Gem::Specification.find_by_name("chef-handler-sns").lib_dirs_glob}/chef/handler/sns"
  arguments { :topic_arn => "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:12341234:MyTopicName" }
  supports :exception => true
  action :enable

OpsWorks: Filter Notifications by Activity

An optional array of OpsWorks activities can be supplied. If the array is set, notifications will only be triggered for the activities in the array, everything else will be discarded.

argument_array = [
  :filter_opsworks_activities => ["deploy","configure"]

Handler Configuration Options

The following options are available to configure the handler:

Note: When the machine has an IAM role, will try to read the credentials from ohai. So in the best case, you only need to specify the topic_arn.


Here is an example of the subject configuration option using the ruby configuration file (solo.rb or client.rb):

sns_handler.subject: "Chef-run: <%= %> - <%= run_status.success? ? "ok" : "error" %>"

Using the chef_handler LWRP:

argument_array = [
  :access_key => "***AMAZON-KEY***",
  :secret_key => "***AMAZON-SECRET***",
  :topic_arn => "arn:aws:sns:***",
  :subject => "Chef-run: <%= %> - <%= run_status.success? ? "ok" : "error" %>",
  # [...]
chef_handler "Chef::Handler::Sns" do
  # [...]
  arguments argument_array

The following variables are accesible inside the template:


This configuration option needs to contain the full path of an erubis template. For example:

# recipe "myapp::sns_handler"

cookbook_file "chef_handler_sns_body.erb" do
  path "/tmp/chef_handler_sns_body.erb"
  # [...]

argument_array = [
  :access_key => "***AMAZON-KEY***",
  :secret_key => "***AMAZON-SECRET***",
  :topic_arn => "arn:aws:sns:***",
  :body_template => "/tmp/chef_handler_sns_body.erb",
  # [...]
chef_handler "Chef::Handler::Sns" do
  # [...]
  arguments argument_array
<%# file "myapp/files/default/chef_handler_sns_body.erb" %>

Node Name: <%= %>
<% if node.attribute?("fqdn") -%>
Hostname: <%= node.fqdn %>
<% end -%>

Chef Run List: <%= node.run_list.to_s %>
Chef Environment: <%= node.chef_environment %>

<% if node.attribute?("ec2") -%>
Instance Id: <%= node.ec2.instance_id %>
Instance Public Hostname: <%= node.ec2.public_hostname %>
Instance Hostname: <%= node.ec2.hostname %>
Instance Public IPv4: <%= node.ec2.public_ipv4 %>
Instance Local IPv4: <%= node.ec2.local_ipv4 %>
<% end -%>

Chef Client Elapsed Time: <%= elapsed_time.to_s %>
Chef Client Start Time: <%= start_time.to_s %>
Chef Client Start Time: <%= end_time.to_s %>

<% if exception -%>
Exception: <%= run_status.formatted_exception %>
<%= Array(backtrace).join("\n") %>

<% end -%>

See the subject documentation for more details on the variables accesible inside the template.

IAM Role Credentials from Ohai

IAM Role information and credentials are gathered from ohai by default if they exists.

No aditional ohai plugin is required. This is natively supported by ohai since version 6.16.0 (OHAI-400).

These are the used ohai attributes:

├── placement_availability_zone: region is set from here.
└── iam
    └── security-credentials
        └── IAMRoleName
            ├── AccessKeyId
            ├── SecretAccessKey
            └── Token

Running the Tests

Minitest tests can be run as usual:

rake test


  1. Fork the repository on Github.
  2. Create a named feature branch (like add_component_x).
  3. Write tests for your change.
  4. Write your change.
  5. Run the tests, ensuring they all pass (try as much as possible not to reduce coverage).
  6. Submit a Pull Request using Github.

License and Author

Author: Xabier de Zuazo (
Contributor: Florian Holzhauer
Contributor: Michael Hobbs
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Onddo Labs, SL. (
License: Apache License, Version 2.0
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.