Chef Handler Zookeeper

A simple Chef report handler to send notifications to Zookeeper about Chef runs.

This Chef Handler is heavily based on Chef Handler SNS code.

Gem Version Dependency Status Code Climate Build Status Coverage Status



You can install this handler in two ways:

Method 1: In the Chef config file

You can install the RubyGem and configure Chef to use it:

gem install chef-handler-zookeeper

Then add to the configuration (/etc/chef/solo.rb for chef-solo or /etc/chef/client.rb for chef-client):

require "chef/handler/zookeeper"

# Create the handler
zookeeper_handler =

# Some Zookeeper configurations
zookeeper_handler.server ""
zookeeper_handler.znode "/chef/#{`hostname`.chomp}/chef_status"

# Add your handler
start_handlers << zookeeper_handler
exception_handlers << zookeeper_handler
report_handlers << zookeeper_handler

Method 2: In a recipe with the chef_handler LWRP

Use the chef_handler LWRP, creating a recipe with the following:

# A compiler is required for the `zk` gem
node.default['build_essential']['compiletime'] = true
include_recipe 'build-essential'

# Handler configuration options
argument_array = [
  :server => "",
  :znode => "/chef/somepath/chef_status",

# Install the `chef-handler-zookeeper` RubyGem during the compile phase
chef_gem "chef-handler-zookeeper"

# Then activate the handler with the `chef_handler` LWRP
chef_handler "Chef::Handler::ZookeeperHandler" do
  source "#{Gem::Specification.find_by_name("chef-handler-zookeeper").lib_dirs_glob}/chef/handler/zookeeper"
  arguments argument_array
  supports :report => true, :exception => true
  action :enable

If you have an old version of gem package (< 1.8.6) without find_by_name or old chef-client (< 0.10.10) without chef_gem, you can try creating a recipe similar to the following:

# A compiler is required for the `zk` gem
node.default['build_essential']['compiletime'] = true
include_recipe 'build-essential'

# Handler configuration options
argument_array = [
  :server => "",
  :znode => "/chef/somepath/chef_status",

# Install the `chef-handler-zookeeper` RubyGem during the compile phase
if defined?(Chef::Resource::ChefGem)
  chef_gem "chef-handler-zookeeper"
  gem_package("chef-handler-zookeeper") do
    action :nothing

# Get the installed `chef-handler-zookeeper` gem path
zookeeper_handler_path = Gem::Specification.respond_to?("find_by_name") ?
  Gem::Specification.find_by_name("chef-handler-zookeeper").lib_dirs_glob :

# Then activate the handler with the `chef_handler` LWRP
chef_handler "Chef::Handler::ZookeeperHandler" do
  source "#{zookeeper_handler_path}/chef/handler/zookeeper"
  arguments argument_array
  supports :report => true, :exception => true
  action :enable


If you want to run also as a start handler using chef_handler cookbook, you can use a recipe similar to the following:

# [...]

# We will need to install the chef handler at compile time
chef_handler "Chef::Handler::ZookeeperHandler" do
# [...]
  action :nothing

# based on code from chef-sensu-handler cookbook:
ruby_block 'trigger_start_handlers' do
  block do
    require 'chef/run_status'
    require 'chef/handler'

    # a bit tricky, required by the default start.json.erb template to have access to node
  action :nothing

Handler Configuration Options

The following options are available to configure the handler:

start_template and end_template

This configuration options need to contain the full path of an erubis template. For example:

# recipe "myapp::zookeeper_handler"

cookbook_file "chef_handler_zookeeper_body.erb" do
  path "/tmp/chef_handler_zookeeper_body.erb"
  # [...]

argument_array = [
  :server => "",
  :znode => "/chef/somepath/chef_status",
  :end_template => "/tmp/chef_handler_zookeeper_body.erb",
chef_handler "Chef::Handler::ZookeeperHandler" do
  # [...]
  arguments argument_array
<%# file "myapp/files/default/chef_handler_zookeeper_body.erb" %>

Node Name: <%= %>
<% if node.attribute?("fqdn") -%>
Hostname: <%= node.fqdn %>
<% end -%>

Chef Run List: <%= node.run_list.to_s %>
Chef Environment: <%= node.chef_environment %>

<% if node.attribute?("ec2") -%>
Instance Id: <%= node.ec2.instance_id %>
Instance Public Hostname: <%= node.ec2.public_hostname %>
Instance Hostname: <%= node.ec2.hostname %>
Instance Public IPv4: <%= node.ec2.public_ipv4 %>
Instance Local IPv4: <%= node.ec2.local_ipv4 %>
<% end -%>

Chef Client Elapsed Time: <%= elapsed_time.to_s %>
Chef Client Start Time: <%= start_time.to_s %>
Chef Client Start Time: <%= end_time.to_s %>

<% if exception -%>
Exception: <%= run_status.formatted_exception %>
<%= Array(backtrace).join("\n") %>

<% end -%>

The following variables are accessible inside the template:

Default templates are in the templates directory.

Note: When using start_template with the chef_handler cookbook, only the node variable will be accesible from the template.

Running the tests

Minitest tests can be run as usual:

rake test



Pull Requests are welcome.

License and Author

Author: Xabier de Zuazo (
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2013 Onddo Labs, SL. (
License: Apache License, Version 2.0

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.